Friday, 1 March 2013

The First Blanket

I was working nights at a cab company when I made this. During dead stretches it was hard to stay awake. No cell phones, no computer games or internet, people usually brought books but I couldn't do it. I love reading, but something about the plethora of available romances and day old newspapers looses its appeal after 15 minutes a day. Depending on the day it could be really busy and then nothing for a whole hour. I wouldn't consider myself 'ADD' but when you volunteer to update info to make everyone's life easier in the between customer times and its turned down, what else is there to do? Alejandro wooing the fair maidens in the Spanish Seas? I think not.

Productivity would have been higher if we at least had the news or weather to watch
Those are relevant to dispatching cabs.

 My son could have 20 things in front of him, but blankets trump all. It's a small square blanket 76cm wide. I don't think he cares its buttercup in colour. This is something that he recognizes as his.

But at least I wasn't given crayons and colouring books like my last phone operator job. Don't get me wrong, that is always fun, but we weren't going to run with scissors, pencil crayons would have been more dignified.

When you are then only one in the office for 6 hours...

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