Sunday, 3 March 2013

Hubby's Dragon Blanket

So this beast has been worked on, on and off for over a year now. I started this before I was pregnant and well, life got complicated and busy...

I like doing it this project and I should finish it, but it is tedious at the best of times. It's in a tapestry style crochet and I am actually farther then the above picture, but you try having up to 9 strings at once hanging off of your crochet. Hard, isn't it?

After several minutes of trying not to delete pictures of  my child from a memory card even though they are saved onto my computer... My 10 year old half broken nearly obsolete digital camera still takes better pictures then anything else in the house. I wasn't going for any fancy stitch, this is all single crochet so I made this design off of free pixel software similar to cross-stitching software.

I guess this is me being master procrastinator. Or is this my irrational fear of running out of yarn...
Banana and regular sized orange yarn for scale
You're welcome Del Monte for the free ad. 

Oh. Right. I'd be that person where IF the zombie apocalypse were to come to fruition, I would be the one making off with yarn not weapons. 

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