Monday, 27 January 2014

The things I have for sale

It is unfortunate that with me being a full-time mommy, that I do not have the time or resources to pump out enough crochet to make it a full time business. Ok, I could theorectically but, my first priority is my son and setting him on the right path, even if he can be a handful, climbing the furniture right in front of me.

I miss working, I will admit that, I miss me time, and I think because of my son, I now spend every moment I can multi-tasking because I appreciate the time I once had a few years ago to do whatever I wanted.

The hubby gets this look on his face, wondering how I can watch a movie and crochet. Well, I get bored watching TV without keeping my hands busy. I groan, because I feel like I am wasting my time on TV, without using the time to cook, clean or crochet. The littleman for the most part, is pretty content just doing his own thing with the occasional cuddle time with one of us, getting me to chase after him or pick up the trail of toddler desstruction and asking for food (constantly) or his juice. Generally I don't watch TV, I put on documentaries, some sci-fi or CPAC. Listening to CPAC while the House of Commons live debates is honestly some of the best television out there, it's political Springer and Big Brother.

I crochet because I can. Rant over.

I didn't spend as much time during my crochet shaping the blue shawl, I am doing that slowly right now.
The black shawl if from a Winter Rose pattern, I have no problem giving credit where it's due on that one.

Please feel free to email me at for more infor and asking prices.

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