Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Hiatus of sorts...

Extremely long story short, I had to move. I would being going on and on if I said the whole story.  Our (former) room mate decided to break some previously agreed upon rules and, instead of doing the mature adult thing, left us in tough spot that we wanted to avoid putting our son in.

That being said I haven't really had any time to crochet. My son has learned how to crawl in the last month and gets into EVERYTHING! I am lucky if I get more then a minute to sit down, The place is far from baby-proofed and we won't start having our own space until at least the first week of September. So I get to follow my 9 1/2 month son and do not get to stop unless he is asleep.

Even as I have typed this I have pulled the adorable little monster away from playing with the dogs dish twice and away from trying to slap any electronic in the area...make the dogs dish 3 times... He understands the words 'no,' 'come here,' and 'juice.' And is currently trying to climb me while yelling at me for telling him no for the dog dish.

Since I can (rarely) grab 5 minutes here and there without him getting into something I have been trying to finish this checker/chess board blanket for him, I need 16 more dark blue squares before I can put it together. 

You do not realize how much running after human larva time consuming can be until the last time you checked, it was lunch time. Now its dinner time. I will be happy when we move into the apartment we are getting. Whenever that will be. For now I feel like a space invader living with my in-laws, Its been more then a year since I had personal space. I miss what that feels like.

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