Friday, 30 August 2013


I like making things. It makes me feel good about, everything.
Sure right now I am a stay at home mom, and my son is just a few weeks away from walking, running and running circles around the husband and myself.

I made my husband a pair of slippers a few years ago, they looked like 'granny slippers' but, he liked them. The only problem with home made slippers is the lack of rubberized soles that prevent you from taking a slip or help you to re-enact a certain scene from Risky Business on your hardwood.

I searched and searched online until I found something not normally used in crochet

Just after one coat, don't worry it comes in different colours. 
Including clear.

It's called Plasti Dip, it claims that it CAN come off (easily if you accidental get it on yourself or surfaces,) but not once it soaks into the yarn.

Before I tried on the newly finished replacement slippers for my husband, I decided to do a test patch. For several reasons. One being will this scuff up my (the in laws) floors. No. And can I run these slippers in the wash AND dryer or will it be a high maintenance item. Yes it can be machine washed and dried.

 Abused test patch.
 It made the crochet almost indestructible and doesn't bleed to the other side.
You can find this online at most building supply stores. Home depot does not sell this in store (not in my area at least,) We actually picked this up at Canadian Tire in the spray paints and sealants sections for $25. I used about a third of the can on two coats, plus test patch. 

To coats later, it smells a bit funky, but that goes away. within 2 days or the first washing. It does not heat up in the dryer. Thankfully. Because I was almost expecting to be scrapping rubbery goop from the dryer for an hour. It does not make the slippers any heavier and I am re-assured that the hubby won't break his neck because of something I made. His first pair didn't have this stuff on it and it took a while before the yarn was worn down enough to no longer be slippery, This also helps the life of the slippers.

Fifty-Five Hours

I have 39 more rows to go. Then the tassel ends.

I have not bothered to actually time myself every time I have worked on this. Lets face it, this is the second piece I have made with crochet thread and my technique has gotten better with each row. When I first started it could take me anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes per row. now it takes 5-12 minutes per row.

I have decided to make a few pieces that I could take to arts and crafts shows. I have looked into consignment and it seems the best place for consignment is actually Once Upon a Child. They don't want 50% up to %80 commission. They do not want to charge me fees after anywhere from 30-90 days without a sale and everywhere else wants me to buy back any piece I have made. The only catch would be is they are only interested in baby blankets that catch there eye. Ebay wants monthly and other costs to list and, Esty has similar commission percentiles and fees to list items which may not be as ridiculous as consignment shops, but I am on a budget and well... It's a bit ridiculous how much money the middle men want for MY hard work. I am sure most can identify with that so I will not preach to the choir.

55 hours is the estimated time I am averaging, if each row took 15 minutes to do. I have spent more then 37 hours on this already, so averaging 10 minutes per row is not happening.

People hate when I do the math for what I plan on asking for this piece.
55 hours is overtime on a normal work week, but I am not going to ask for time and a half on anything. My work isn't exactly priority. My son is.

Minimum wage in Ontario is $10.25 hourly. I don't think anyone would buy a shawl for $563.75, so to be more realistic I will be asking $250 (OBO.)

My next question is, is that really an unfair price to ask? Or are we all just use to cheap foreign made products. I honestly hate to shove this in any hard working person's face but face it, the reason why this would be $25-50 at a chain store would be you are buying a product that was made by paying someone pennies an hour to make this.

Would you want someone to under value your hard work?
Do you feel that your hard work is already under-valued as you read this?

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Checkers and Chess

I know my son is a ways away from being able to play checkers or chess but, I am sure when he finally gets it he will appreciate this.

If I were to do this again I think I would spend the extra effort making it one solid piece instead of squares to be put together later.

Live and learn.

I think I am going to make collapsible chess pieces that when flat are the checker pieces.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Ninja scarf Mod

Since the summer is reaching its end (Boooo) and the colder months are coming I thought about what I could do for winter and well, Christmas.

I figured that my first design was a little awkward. Have those 4 ties makes it look more like a hospital mask and leaves some other issues like the sides flaring out and a little more work. Some tangling if one is in a hurry. I like the light weight and less bulk compared to scarfs. Now that I have modified the design it seems a lot better.

It's still the usual colour. Loud.

It covered the ears and face a lot better then the tiny ties, and seems to distribute the tension of tying it together at the back a little more evenly.

It's just over 3 feet (96 cm to be exact.) And it is a lot easier to make then the first design. Made with the super bulky Bernat Baby Blanket and a 10mm hook.  If Crochet programs weren't so out of my current budget, I would put up a diagram. It's pretty easy to make.

It took me less then 2 hours and my son is becoming more and more self entertaining each day. I am relieved that he no longer yells at me for crocheting in front of him.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Hiatus of sorts...

Extremely long story short, I had to move. I would being going on and on if I said the whole story.  Our (former) room mate decided to break some previously agreed upon rules and, instead of doing the mature adult thing, left us in tough spot that we wanted to avoid putting our son in.

That being said I haven't really had any time to crochet. My son has learned how to crawl in the last month and gets into EVERYTHING! I am lucky if I get more then a minute to sit down, The place is far from baby-proofed and we won't start having our own space until at least the first week of September. So I get to follow my 9 1/2 month son and do not get to stop unless he is asleep.

Even as I have typed this I have pulled the adorable little monster away from playing with the dogs dish twice and away from trying to slap any electronic in the area...make the dogs dish 3 times... He understands the words 'no,' 'come here,' and 'juice.' And is currently trying to climb me while yelling at me for telling him no for the dog dish.

Since I can (rarely) grab 5 minutes here and there without him getting into something I have been trying to finish this checker/chess board blanket for him, I need 16 more dark blue squares before I can put it together. 

You do not realize how much running after human larva time consuming can be until the last time you checked, it was lunch time. Now its dinner time. I will be happy when we move into the apartment we are getting. Whenever that will be. For now I feel like a space invader living with my in-laws, Its been more then a year since I had personal space. I miss what that feels like.